The Bullet Request Object

Bullet passes a Bullet\Request object as the first argument to any callback or route hanlder that is matched. This object contains all the information about the current request context, like request URI, method, POST variables, query string variables, etc.

$app = new Bullet\App();
$app->path('test', function($request) use($app) {
    $app->post(function($request) use($app) {

Accessing Request Parameters

This section covers how to access variables passed in the HTTP request, and from which sources.

General Request Variables

Variables given from all sources, in the following order: User-set params, GET, POST, COOKIE, SERVER, ENV.

$request->get('page', 1); // Default fallback 

Query String Variables

Variables given in the query string ($_GET).

$request->query(); // Array
$request->query('page'); // Single value
$request->query('page', 1); // Default fallback 

Post Variables

Variables defined in an HTTP POST request ($_POST).

$request->post(); // Array
$request->post('subject'); // Single value
$request->post('subject', '[ No Subject ]'); // Default fallback 


Variables defined in an cookies ($_COOKIE).

$request->cookie(); // Array
$request->cookie('hide_annoying_notifications'); // Single value
$request->cookie('hide_annoying_notifications', 0); // Default 

Server/PHP Variables

Variables defined by the server and PHP ($_SERVER).

$request->server(); // Array
$request->server('REQUEST_TIME'); // Single value
$request->server('REQUEST_TIME', time()); // Value with default 

Environment Variables

Variables defined by the environment ($_ENV).

$request->env(); // Array
$request->env('ULTIMATE_ANSWER'); // Single value
$request->env('ULTIMATE_ANSWER', 42); // Value with default 

User Set Variables

Any values set on the request object will be stored separately in a special “params” array so that it does not override or replace the actual data from the original HTTP request.


Set a custom value by simply setting a new property on the $response object.

$request->user_id = 64; 


Get your custom property by either accessing the property directly, or via the param method, just like the other getter methods for request data.

$request->param(); // Array
$request->user_id; // Single value (checks user params first)
$request->param('user_id'); // Single value via method
$request->param('user_id', 0); // Value with default 

Processing JSON Payloads

If you do a POST or PUT request with a JSON body instead of a form url-encoded body, Bullet will automatically run json_decode on the request body, and set the top-level variables to the $request object. The data can then be directly accessed with $request->foo, etc.

Given the JSON request body:

  "foo": "bar",
  "bar": "baz",
  "answer": 42,
  "user": {
    "id": 32,
    "name" Testy A. McTester"

The data would be available to you from the request object:

  • $request->foo == bar
  • $request->answer == 42
  • $request->get('') == Testy A. McTester

If you need to parse the JSON a different way or if you need the raw JSON itself, use $request->raw(). This will contain the raw, unfiltered and unparsed request body.

Raw Request Body

The raw, unfiltered request body can be accessed directly if you need to parse it a custom way or handle it differently than Bullet does.


HTTP Request Data

Convenience methods to return information about the current HTTP request.

  • $request->uri() - REQUESTURI from $SERVER
  • $request->url() - Request URL that Bullet recognizes and uses
  • $request->format() - Request format (html, json, xml, etc.)
  • $request->method() - Request method (get, post, put, etc.)
  • $request->scheme() - Scheme (http, https, cli)
  • $request->subdomain() - Subdomain (domain part until first dot)
  • $request->host() - HTTP_HOST
  • $request->port() - Port (usually 80, or 443 for SSL)
  • $request->ip() - User’s IP address

Deterministic Helpers

Helper methods to determine what type of request was made.

  • $request->isGet() - GET request
  • $request->isPost() - POST request
  • $request->isPut() - PUT request
  • $request->isDelete() - DELETE request
  • $request->isPatch() - PATCH request
  • $request->isHead() - HEAD request
  • $request->isOptions() - OPTIONS request
  • $request->isSecure() - Secure HTTPS request
  • $request->isAjax() - XMLHttpRequest (from jQuery, Prototype, etc.)
  • $request->isMobile() - From mobile phone/device
  • $request->isBot() - Crawler bot (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.)
  • $request->isCli() - Command-Line Request
  • $request->isFlash() - From Flash/Shockwave
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