Param Callbacks

Param callbacks allow you to respond to and capture path segments that match specific patterns or contain specific characters. Param callbacks are named patterns with matcher callbacks like int that only matches integers.

Built-In Param Callback Types

There are several built-in callback types that cover the most common URI segment patterns that you will want to respond with. These types are:

  • int - Matches integers and numbers
  • float - Matches floating point numbers
  • boolean - Matches “1”, “true”, “on”, and “yes” (based on FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)
  • slug - Matches alphanumeric URL pattern with underscores and dashes ([a-zA-Z0-9-_])
  • email - Matches valid email addresses using FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL

This example uses the slug param matcher to match only URL slugs. This will match URIs like /posts/my-post-title and will output Post: my-post-title.

$app->path('posts', function($request) use($app) {
    $app->param('slug', function($request, $postId) use($app) {
        return "Post: " . $postId;

The param method path callback will have a second argument that holds the matched URI segment or other returned value ($postId in this example).

Register a Custom Type

If you need to register your own custom param type, it’s as simple as one method call with a custom name and a callback that runs the validation.

This is the callback that Bullet uses for int paths:

$app->registerParamType('int', function($value) {
    return filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);

Matching Rules

If the param callback returns boolean true, the attached path callback will be executed and the original URI segment will be passed to the attached path callback.

If the param callback returns any value (anything other than boolean false), the attached callback will be executed, and the returned value will be passed to the path callback. This is useful if you want to modify the URI segment before it gets passed to the attached path callback.

If the param callback returns boolean false (no match), the attached path callback will be skipped and never executed.

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